Christopher James Whiton:
Chris is a determined individual who keeps his plate very full. In 2008, he recieved an Associates Degree in Animation and Graphic Game Programming from NHTI. He then transferred to Southern New Hampshire University. He has had experience working with Source, creating several original projects that feature their own materials and visual styles. He has most recently moved on to the Unreal Development Kit where he hopes to complete his dream game, Anubis. Chris has also had a fair amount of practice with both 3D editors (3ds Max) and image editors (Photoshop/Illustrator). He doesn't hesitate to tell anyone his hatred for programming, but he gets through it. Most importantly, he enjoys being the pivotal force on group projects and readily accepts additional responsibility. Chris is currently working on Anubis, a sidescrolling game that is based in ancient egypt. He is also working with the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at Southern New Hampshire University to develop simulations that show off AI paradigms.
My other site has my incomplete work and graphic
Jobs desired:
Level Building
Graphic Design/Texture Work
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